What Are Polarized Sunglasses and How Do They Work?

Polarized sunglasses are an essential accessory for those who spend a lot of time outdoors. But what makes them so special? In this article, we will explore how they work, why they are effective in reducing glare, and how you can test them using a monitor or the screen of your mobile phone.

How Do Polarized Sunglasses Work?

Natural light travels in multiple directions, but when it reflects off surfaces like water or asphalt, it becomes polarized, meaning it primarily orients in a horizontal direction. Polarized sunglasses are designed with a filter that blocks this horizontal polarized light, helping to reduce glare. However, it’s important to clarify that polarized sunglasses do not block all rays of sunlight; their main function is to diminish the glare from reflected light.

The Polarization Test

To better understand how polarized sunglasses work, we propose a simple test you can perform at home using a monitor or your mobile phone's screen. Here’s how to do it:

Materials Needed

  • A computer monitor or a mobile phone.
  • Two pairs of sunglasses: one polarized and one non-polarized.
  • An environment with good lighting.

Step by Step

1.Prepare the Space: Find a well-lit area where you can use the monitor or phone.

2.Set Up the Screen: Open a page with a light background (it can be white or a soft color) on the device you choose.

3.Hold the Sunglasses:

  • Non-Polarized Sunglasses: Hold them horizontally and observe the screen. Note any glare or how the image appears.
  • Polarized Sunglasses: Repeat the process with the polarized sunglasses, first in a horizontal position.

4.Rotate the Sunglasses:

  • Now, turn both pairs of sunglasses to a vertical position. Observe how the clarity of the image changes.
  • Polarized Sunglasses: You should notice that the image brightens when you rotate the sunglasses to a vertical position, while the non-polarized ones will not show this effect.

Why Does This Happen?

When the sunglasses are in a horizontal position, the filter blocks the polarized light that causes glare, which may make the image appear darker. However, when rotated to a vertical position, the filter allows more direct light to pass through and reduces glare, brightening the image. This property is especially useful in outdoor activities, where reflected light can be problematic.


Polarized sunglasses are a valuable tool for enhancing visual comfort and reducing glare. Conducting this test at home will help you appreciate their effectiveness and understand how they work.

If you are looking for quality polarized sunglasses, at Ruisen you will find a variety of perfect options for you. We invite you to check out our collection of sunglasses here:https://www.ruisenglasses.com/

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this article, please share it and follow us for more tips on sunglasses and eye care.






Post time: Sep-25-2024