Is there a difference between night vision and day vision?

Is there a difference between night vision and day vision?
Usually, there is usually no difference between the night vision test and the day vision test.

There are two types of vision in the eyes, one is central vision and the other is visual field vision. Central vision is more sensitive to bright light and can only see the target when there is enough light, while visual vision is also sensitive to bright light and can see the color and shape of the target day and night. Therefore, there is usually no difference between night and day. In addition, when patients take the vision test, they must remember that they should not tilt their head or squint their eyes, and both eyes should be the same as the 5.0 vision chart. Therefore, patients are also advised to rub their eyes as little as possible in their daily life, and try not to rub them with their hands when taking the vision test, as this will put pressure on the cornea, which will lead to inaccurate vision.

In addition, patients are advised to pay attention to reasonable eye use, avoid prolonged use of electronic products and take a break after 45 minutes of close eye use. At the same time, it is recommended that patients in the process of learning or work, do eye exercises every day, such as eye massage, is conducive to relieving visual fatigue, is beneficial to the protection of eyesight, if the patient's eyes appear any discomfort, should be timely medical examination, so as to avoid delays in the condition.


Post time: Jun-13-2021