How to Protect and Wipe Your Pet’s Eyes

Step 1: Preparation
Before we start, we need to keep our pets relaxed and
Step 2: Clean the hair around the eyes
Use a washcloth or cotton ball dipped in an appropriate amount of eye cleaning solution to gently wipe the fur around your pet's eyes. Be careful not to pull your pet's hair too hard as this may cause discomfort.
Step 3: Clean tear stains and eye droppings from the corners of the eyes
Moisten a cotton ball and gently wipe the tear stains and eye poop from the corners of your pet's eyes. If there are more stubborn tear stains, you can use some specialized tear stain cleaning products, but please make sure to follow the product instructions.
Step 4: Clean the surface of the eye
Using a clean cotton ball or clean towel, gently wipe the surface of your pet's eyes. Remember to do this gently to avoid causing discomfort to your pet.
Step 5: Observe and Maintain
After cleaning your pet's eyes, carefully observe your pet's eyes for any abnormalities, such as redness, swelling, and increased discharge. If there is any abnormality, please consult your veterinarian promptly.

How to go about protecting and wiping your pet's eyes

Post time: Aug-19-2018