How to choose glasses frames



- A round face is characterized by the fact that the lines of the face are round. Choose a box with more edges and corners, which will have a sense of line and can modify the face shape.

- A square face is characterized by a well-defined face. Generally, you can use a round frame to soften the edges and corners of the face.

- An elongated face is characterized by a high forehead, where the length of the face is greater than the width. Generally choose a frame that is slightly shorter than the face shape, which can better balance the proportion of the face shape, and is suitable for round frames.

- The diamond-shaped face is characterized by prominent cheekbones and narrow upper and lower faces, which can be improved by choosing frames with eyes at the corners of the eyes. Fits Square Frames, Inverted Trapeze Frames and Half Frames.

- A heartshaped face is characterized by a wide top and a narrow bottom, with prominent cheekbones. You can choose a frame that is as wide as your face to modify your face shape. Round, oval and square frames are recommended.

- The oval face is the most versatile and perfect face shape. Any frame looks good, the choice depends on your preference.



Post time: Feb-17-2020